Sunday, January 18, 2009

The concert

We have just got back from Obama's Inagural Concert in D.C. I am so tired. We rode the Metro from Silver Spring to the center of D.C. We listened to all of the music and speeches. It was freezing cold, at the concession stand I got a hot coco. It was tiring out there. The port-a-potties were nasty though, I saw Queen Latifa, George Lopez and Tom Hanks speek. I also saw Josh Groban sing. It was an amazing day!

~ Meaghan

1 comment:

  1. Fu ~ We watched the whole concert on HBO. It was one of the most amazing line-ups of performers we've EVER seen! And some of our most favorite singers, too. Everyone singing such songs of hope and love. What a phenomenal thing that you were THERE in person for the event. You're part of history already and it's only gonna get "bigger" today and tomorrow. Stay warm and have mucho fun. XOXO ~ Aunt Debbi & Uncle Scott
