Monday, January 19, 2009

The next morning

This morning I woke up at around 9:00. I had another good sleep. I was tired last night. Kristine came here at 8:30 last night. She's a friend of Cec's. Yesterday it was cold and crowded, so we got home and were pooped! Myra, Ces and Tina were getting ready for the big ball and they had all of these fancy dresses. They left at 6:00 pm maybe and came back around 11:00 pm. We figured out how to make the TV work.

~ Meaghan


  1. Hi Meaghan-Jenna and I LOVE your blog. We miss you and are SO excited that you are in Washington to see this awesome event. Jenna and I are going to watch the concert, "We are the Future" tonight. The Jonas brothers are going to sing the Obama girls favaorite song. Are you going to watch it? Hi to Kierra from Jenna. We love you. Give your mom a hug. Barbara and Jenna

  2. Meaghan ~
    Tell Cec, Mira and Tina that they look absolutely beautiful. I first met the girls when they were about you and Ki's ages.
    My Oh My how time flies.
